World Masters Athletics Championships Perth 2016
Thousands of athletes from around the world will descend on Perth in 12 months to…
Gold Coasters can steer clear of dodgy payday lenders with the official opening of Queensland’s first Good Money store at Southport, joining stores already operating in Victoria and South Australia. Minister for Communities Shannon Fentiman said, “The Good Money store at Southport is great news for people doing it tough on the Gold Coast and means we…
Over the past few weeks, 99 residents from two of Catholic Healthcare’s long standing Bathurst residential aged care services have moved into their new home on Gormans Hill Road. The move to the accommodation followed the opening of Catholic Healthcare’s new St Catherine’s campus. “I didn’t think it would be so beautiful,” one resident commented,…
The Mature Australia Party was registered by the Australian Electoral Commission as a political party on 14 April 2016 with the intention of standing candidates in the coming Federal election. The Mature Australia Party (MAP) has been working across Australia for the last 12 months from its registered office in North Queensland to rally support from…
Hobart is Australia’s oldest capital city according to data released today by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS). Of the capital cities, Hobart had the oldest population, with a median age (the age at which half the population is older and half is younger) of 39.7 years at June 2016, ahead of Adelaide (38.6 years)….
The NRMA has gone live with Best Cars- a car review website launched in conjunction with the announcement of the winners of Australia’s Best Cars. NRMA’s Head Road Tester and Australia’s Best Car judge Jaedene Hudson said buying a car was for most Australians their second biggest lifetime purchase. “Best Cars has been designed to…
A new study by the University of Adelaide is showing that the Government’s free public transport initiative for Seniors Card holders has been a huge success. The Government extended free travel for seniors to all times outside of the morning and afternoon peak weekday periods in December 2013. “The university’s study found on average, Seniors…
Watch out for fake parcel delivery scams arriving in your inbox this Christmas, after $80,000 was reported lost to the ACCC this year, with 1,360 complaints. The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission has received over 100 reports of this scam this December – more than last December, with only half the month gone. The ACCC…
The 17th Alice Springs Masters Games has officially wrapped up, concluding an exceptional week of sportsmanship celebrating the best of Australia’s sporting culture. Minister for Tourism and Culture, Lauren Moss said the 2018 Alice Springs Masters Games was one of the best events yet in the game’s history, creating a fantastic boost to the local…
An online course that could change the financial future of Australians begins this Monday 29 February. Sunrise co-host David Koch and his finance-savvy wife, Libby will show Aussies how to secure their financial future if they spend just 15 minutes a day online for 4 weeks. Kochie’s 4 Week Money Makeover is designed to show Aussies how to…
Victorian seniors are being encouraged to take advantage of potential savings now available on their electricity and gas bills through the Victorian Seniors Card Program. Minister for Ageing David Davis said this is the first time the program is offering a Seniors Card discount on retail energy plans. The initiative is part of the Seniors…